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Online Pilates - normality resumed!

Updated: Oct 20, 2020

Thank you to those who persevered with me being outside, in a BnB or unable to provide the class due to illness, darker evenings or technical issues! You'll be happy to know I am back in civilisation after walking 450km (280miles) & raising £1,600 for frontline19.

Current classes: Mon or Thurs, once a week 7.45 - 8.45 am

Thursday 7 pm - 8 pm.

Book online or get in touch, watch this space for weekend classes resuming & sport-specific Pilates recommencing or starting. Post/pre-natal Pilates also available.

Unfortunately, I am not running face to face Pilates classes - in line with current guidance and social distancing, the spaces I previously used would not be cost-effective after hall hire charges.

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